Friday, September 10, 2010

Water for Quake Victims

co-presidents Jem Maber and Susanna Shelton from the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths are suggesting the use of homeopathic "remedies" for the treatment of quake victims. They say their stuff will be able to help people sleep better, stress less and be less susceptible to disease. Among other things.

Now I have no doubt that these two are so far gone down the road of self deception that they honestly believe their crap will help. But it won't. Well. It may in the sense that it's just water and there is still problems with getting clean drinking in water in some places. But in order to get sufficient drinking water form anything homeopathic. One would need to spend hundreds of dollars and consume a massive "over dose". Over dosing on nothing. Hmmmmm.
As a funny aside. The amazing James Randi does an amusing demonstration where he takes an entire bottle of Homeopathic sleeping pills and then proceeds to give an hour long lecture. He never falls asleep.

In this article it says that Homeopaths are trained to recognize behavior patterns associated with stress and trauma. And can dispense "remedies" that will quickly reduce the symptoms. Homeopaths are no more trained than a regular person in anything other than self deception and fraud. And there interventions are no more effective than a witches spell. If you want to relieve stress. Go pat a dog. This has been proven to have a calming and stress reducing effect.

To suggest Homeopathy be used to aid the victims of the Christchurch Quake is just nuts. It's wishful, broken thinking and sympathetic magic. Hey. If you want magic. How about a spell that prevents earthquakes. It's too late for Christchurch. But we could prevent one here in wellington. That would make a lot of people very happy.      

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