What do climate change denial and Intelligent Design have in common? I mean other then the obvious. They are both supported by groups that have an idealogical agenda. Both groups refuse to, or are incapable of, acknowledging the evidence. Both groups have well resourced and politically connected lobbys.
Well those are all true. I'm talking about recent moves in the US by the climate change deniers to adopt a "teach the controversy" policy towards climate change. They want to give equal time and attention to those who believe that it's all a hoax or a misunderstanding or a conspiracy.
This was exactly the tactic adopted by the Creationists after they failed to get creationism into public schools in the US. They engaged a professional marketing firm. Then they changed their name from Creationism to Intelligent Design and adopted the line "teach the controversy".
Lets get this straight. There is no controversy over climate change. It is happening. All the evidence says that is it and it is the overwhelming consensus of the global climate science community. There is no more a controversy over this than there is that evolution happened. It did. Or that the earth is an oblate spheroid. It is. Or that the sun is powered by nuclear fusion. It is. Or... Well you get the point. This is a case of deliberate amd manufactured false balance in the media that I have previously written about.
The only controversy over climate change is the false idea that there is a controversy. It's a false problem created by wealthy backers with an ideological block that doesn't allow them to acknowledge the evidence and come to a conclusion about reality.
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