Friday, January 21, 2011

Andrew Wakefield, Shill, Fraud and Just Plain Wrong

So that which we have known or suspected for a while now has finally been laid out in exquisite and mind blowing detail with 3 articles in the British Medical Journal. The articles by Brian deer completely expose Wakefield as a ruthless conman that perpetrated a conscious, and incredibly harmful, fraud on the world in order to enrich himself. 

Article one tells the story of Wakefield's study. Not only was this study woefully undersized for it's purpose. Containing just 12 subjects. Not only was it a breach of the ethical and legal responsibilities one has when conducting such research. As it now turns out it was also complete and utter bullshit. Crap. Worthless. Wakefield falsified the data and just plain lied in order to get the result he wanted. But why?

Money! Article two tells about how Wakefield planned to make tens of millions of dollars from the ideas supported in his fraudulent study. 
Money making scheme number one. Wakefield was paid a substantial amount of money (more than 435,000 pounds in fact) from lawyers representing some anti vaccine groups. These were trying to sue vaccine manufactures for allegedly giving their children Autism. 
Money making scheme number two. Wakefield had a patent pending on a single dose measles vaccine. Since his study alleged that it was the triple dose Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine that was the cause of the problems. He stood to make millions from the licencing and use of his single dose vaccine. 
Money making scheme number three. Wakefield created a kit that was designed to detect the symptoms of the new syndrome he had invented. Sales of this product were expected to net Wakefield another few tens of millions. 

Article three is the final installment and tells of the fallout from all these revelations coming to light. The accusations. The denials. And the complete down fall of Wakefield in respected medical circles.  

There should be no doubt. This man shares a great amount of responsibility for the creation of the modern anti-vaccination movement. There is real blood on his hands. Children have suffered and died because of his selfish fraud.

The terrible (or delicious) irony in all this is that Dr Andrew Wakefield, the trumpeted hero and darling of the anti-vaccination movement, is the very thing they purport to despise. Whenever a Doctor, scientist or skeptic speaks out in defense of vaccines. The anti-vaxers accuse them of being on the pay roll of "big pharma". They accuse us of profiteering. Of defending the status quo because it is making us all rich. While the reality is that we are just following the science and trying to improve the health of children and the community. Wakefield was doing exactly what they accuse us of! He took money to falsify the science in order to make himself rich. He put the lives of children at risk for his own benefit. He accepted money in the form of travel, accommodation and speakers fees form pharmaceutical companies. Wakefield was a lying, cheating big pharma shill! Amazing.

The response from the anti-vax community has been typical rationalizing and conspiracy mongering. They allege that Brian Deer is a "big pharma" assassin. Brought in to discredit Wakefield and the science behind the vaccine autism link. Brian Deer is an award winning investigative journalist that, among other things, was  heavily involved in exposing the vioxx scandal. In the pocket of "big pharma"? Please. Try something else for a change a. As for the science behind the vaccine Autism link. There isn't any. None at all. All the science we have says there is no link between vaccination and autism. A great summary of the evidence can be found on Science Based Medicine here.       

Wakefield still stands by his study and the findings. I think he does so now because his mind has become so distorted over time that he could never bring himself to accept and admit the truth. Perhaps he has even managed to convince himself that his fraud is true. We know that he knew of his fraud at the time because he was offered the chance to repeat his study in a controlled and sanctioned environment with 150 children. He did not take this offer up because he knew that he would not be able to falsify such a large and heavily scrutinized study. As it would surely have been. And that such a study would indeed prove all his ideas and earlier findings to be wrong.

We must always be on the lookout for more Wakefields. The good thing about science is that it is self correcting. Bad science and fraud are always weeded out in the fullness of time. The bad news is that the effects of these things can linger on long after the science has thrown them out. And people can be, and are, adversely affected. In the worst cases, such as this one, children can die.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Does not follow Rodger

One of the mindless foot soldiers of CAM has put forward another attempt to justify his dangerous quackery by attacking "BIG PHARMA" (oooooooo). I'm talking about the Rodger. The jackass who promotes MMS in NZ. We remember MMS right. From here and here.

Well I got an email (I'm on his mailing list, Yay!) from Rodger attacking "big pharma" for apparently suppressing the miraculous benefits of vitamin C mega dosing. It's a short email. So here it is.    

Dear MMS customers,

The lengths that Big Pharma will go to:
Remember the recent stir caused when intravenous vitamin C cured a man from the King Country here in NZ.
Such cures (by an unpatientable natural product), are not good for Big Pharma business. Best that Big Pharma pull a     few strings and just have intravenous vitamin C outlawed....

Kind regards,

I'm not going to go to lengths explaining why this is stupid. Or expand on why natural news is possibly the single biggest repository of crap on the whole of the interweb. Though do check it out if you like. It's funny stuff. 

I'm just going to talk about why the "Big Phrama" bad so buy Rodger's stuff, argument is moronic.

This one is a favorite of the CAM crowd. They point to the Pharmaceutical industry and say look at how much money they are making. They must be evil and all their products must be equally evil. But our products and methods aren't making us rich. Therefore our stuff must work.

The problem with this line of reasoning is that it says absolutely nothing about the products and methods the CAM practitioners and promoters are pushing. An equivalent argument could go like this. 

Look at all those big breakfast cereal companies making lots of money from selling their cereal. The cereal must be bad for you. What about this mold I found under the floor. It's all natural, unprocessed and I paid nothing for it. It must be way better for us than the commercial cereals. 

A bit of an over exaggeration perhaps, but not by much. This is an argument style where you attempt to make your own side stronger by promoting a negative attribute of the other side. It says nothing about the actual strength of your position and does not address any of the actual issues that may be under debate.

Roger claims that "Big Pharma" is ruthlessly suppressing anything that they are unable to profit from. Even when it is a proven cure for a known ailment. Therefore, the unstated premise, you should consume the bleach he is selling. 

Sorry. But I din't buy it.                 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1st of 2011

For my first entry of 2011 I'm gonna do something a little different. Here are some awesome pictures I took while flying in the Tararua Ranges yesterday morning.

Sweet yeah?

So what's going on here?
Well the tops of the clouds you can see on the other side of the ridge are at about 4,000 feet. The clouded in side is to the east and the clear side is west. Whats happening is the moist air forming the clouds is blowing ever so slowly over the ridges and falling down the sides. Once that happens it disappears. Why?
Well it all has to do with cloud formation. Very briefly. Clouds are formed when the air becomes saturated with water vapor. This means that the air cannot hold any more water in it than it has already. The level at which the air saturates is dependent on the moisture content and is given as a temperature. This saturation temperature is known as the dew point. The warmer the air the more water it can hold. So if air is at the same temperature as it's dew point cools down, it will no longer be able to hold the water vapor it contains.
And thats when clouds form.    

So back to the question. Why do the clouds disappear when they flow over the ridge? The reason is two fold. 1st) the air containing the clouds is colder than the surrounding air. It's colder because the clouds reflect the suns energy and also because saturated air has a higher specific heat capacity than dry air (This means that it takes more energy to heat it up by the same amount). Because the clouds are colder they are more dense than the surrounding air and so they sink.
2nd) As they sink they warm up. This happens because the sinking air increases in pressure and when the pressure of a gas increases, it's temperature also increases. As they warm up, the temperature of the air pases it's due point and the clouds evaporate.

Neat yes?