For those not familiar with MMS. I invite you to read my previous post on the subject.
Basically it's a solution of sodium chloride in mineral water that when prepared as instructed forms a powerful bleach solution that is supposed to be taken internally or applied to the skin. I'm not a doctor. But all the limited biology and human physiology knowledge I have acquired suggests that ingesting bleach is a bad thing. That's the reason bleach bottles have those child proof caps on them. We make the assumption that adults are smart enough to not drink the stuff under the sink.
That assumption may have to be reassessed of we continue to allow MMS to be soled in NZ.
MedSafe is doing it's best to get this stuff off the market. But eh looney pushing it is very determined and deluded to the point where he actually believes he's doing the right thing. It's a very difficult thing to deal in a normal way with a true believer who thinks that the authorities are shutting down his honest attempts to help the people. And MedSafe are limited in what they can do in cases like this. They must ensure they follow procedure and act to the letter of the law.
I had a brief email exchange with the promoter of MMS in NZ. I reprint them below for your amusement.
There is a lot of it and it's mostly the same rubbish that you hear time and time again from people promoting alt med products. My favorite part is where he seems to say that it should be ok for products to be sold without prior testing that kill people. See if you can find the bit I'm talking about. I'll take it out and have a bit to say about it at the bottom of this post.
Are you aware that your product has no evidence of efficacy or safety and is in fact a dangerous industrial bleach?
"FDA warned consumers not to consume or use Miracle Mineral Solution, an oral liquid solution also known as "Miracle Mineral Supplement" or "MMS." The product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm to health."
"Health Canada is warning Canadians of the risks to health associated with use of the unauthorized drug product, Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), which was distributed on the Internet by to treat drinking water. According to the information provided on the company's website, Miracle Mineral Solution is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite. Health Canada advises that sodium chlorite is a chemical used mainly as a textile bleaching agent and disinfectant."
Hi Mark,
Thankyou for your email.
Yes, I have seen most of the news links that you have sent to us before; but no, the articles do not provide ANY evidence that MMS does not work, or is dangerous.
You have to realise, that you can't believe everything you read on the internet.
Did you know that the painkiller 'Vioxx', which had passed the FDA's stringent double-blind testing requirements; later killed 60,000 people before being reluctantly taken off the market? This you can believe, because the FDA state it on their own website.
You see; as seen with Vioxx, the real proof to us is in the using. Tens of thousands of people have had success with MMS. Try telling them that it doesn't work!
We have also had direct feedback from many people who have had success with serious diseases.
We have distributed 1000's of bottles of MMS. If it doesn't work, don't you think we would have had at least one email complaining that it doesn't work? We haven't had even ONE!
And if it is dangerous, would we have not also heard likewise?
Below is some more 'food for thought' on this issue...
Do 'official' double-blind tests of 'approved' medical products, really safeguard the public?
Why is MMS not approved by the FDA?
Some news articles and websites warn about the dangers of using MMS.
Is there any validity to the various claims being made?
The fascinating report below will address these questions, plus more....Is there any validity to the various claims being made?
As with most things today, there are many websites and news articles attempting to discourage the use of MMS.
Such articles often simply use a ‘cunning play on words’.
For example, you may find comments such as;
"Even taken as instructed, experts say it(MMS) can cause severe vomiting and diarrhoea".Well, you don't actually need an expert to say this; we state the same on the MMS instructions ourselves.
We firstly need to remember that vomiting is not a sickness, but is the body’s response to a sickness.
It is quite common to experience vomiting when sick; and MMS does have the tendency to destroy and loosen diseased material, which the body must then eliminate. If this process is performed slowly, according to the MMS instructions; then vomiting is seldom experienced.
Other comments may include; "mixing it wrongly could lead to respiratory failure."
So are they saying that mixing it correctly won’t?
With regards to claims of more severe problems, it is quite likely, that if someone was to take MMS straight, without activating; or in large volumes; or mixing it with other compounds (ie, mixing it wrongly); then in such a situation, yes, the above statement could also be true.
But this is nothing to be alarmed about.The exact same statements above also apply to most approved pharmaceutical drugs;
except in their case, taking incorrectly can cause death.In fact, according to many statistical websites, even taking such drugs correctly will often cause death.
According to many sources, approx. 300 people per day in the USA alone, die from correctly prescribed drugs.
Does this make you wonder why the FDA, and other such authorities, are not writing news articles and doing something about that!
To date, MMS has not been proven to cause the death of anyone.
So why do the FDA and other agencies appear to be discouraging natural treatments, and yet are allowing dangerous drugs that are killing thousands?
Some sources claim that it has something to do with the money such agencies receive from the pharmaceutical companies????
Double-blind testing
In America, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only allows products to be marketed that have undergone strict double-blind tests.
That would prevent anything potentially dangerous to our health from coming on the market, right?
Although may other sources quote up to 60,000; the FDA itself estimates that the pain killer Vioxx, may have contributed to 27,785 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths ...
But hang on, Vioxx had passed the required double-blind tests!
How can a drug that has passed the ‘official’ testing, kill 60,000 people; before being reluctantly pulled off the market?
The diabetes drug Avandia, also passed the ‘official’ double-blind testing.
To pass the tests, it must have been proven to be safe, right?
A google search for ‘Avandia deaths’ will show otherwise, as with the example report below;
New Zealand medical authorities will investigate the New Zealand use of a diabetes drug, Avandia, alleged to be implicated in 100,000 cases of heart failure.
European officials have suspended the licence for rosiglitazone, the active ingredient of the drug, but the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has kept the drug on the market, with restrictions on access. FDA scientist and lead author of a US study David Graham, has asked for the pill to be banned and has said since Avandia was introduced in 1999, it may have been involved in 100,000 heart attacks, strokes, deaths other heart failures.
New Zealand regulator, Medsafe, today said it was aware of and would review both the European Union and the US decisions to determine how they might affect the use of rosiglitazone in New Zealand.Hmmm, guess 100,000 cases of heart failure are no cause to just immediately ban the stuff!
The above cases (and many, many more), appear to expose double-blind testing to be some kind of a joke!
So what’s going on with our authorities?
We are not sure, but following is an interesting article we stumbled across, which may help shed more light on the issue;
The FDA Regulations on Cures, Treatments and Healing.
Can Medical Nutrient Therapy from plants, fruits, vegetable and herb supplements with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, CoQ10 and all botanicals have any effect on treating, curing or healing ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, PDD, Depression, Autism, Bi-polar or Asperger’s Syndrome?
The correct answer is, "We’re not allowed to say." Answering that question truthfully is like insider trading, you know what’s going to happen, you just can’t tell anyone according to the FDA regulations. Is that true?
Here are the facts, make up your own mind.
From Webster’s Dictionary
Pathology. A disease marked by swollen and bleeding gums, livid spots on the skin, prostration, etc., due to a diet lacking in vitamin C.
An abnormal loss of water from the body, esp. from illness or physical exertion.
al·oe ver·aThe mucilaginous juice or gel obtained from the leaves of this plant, widely used as a laxative and in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for its soothing and healing properties.
Can you publicly say that water cures dehydration?
No, not according to the FDA.
Any idiot who’s ever sat out in the hot sun all day without water can tell you a cold drink sure feels like it cured dehydration.
But the FDA says it hasn’t been proven. None of the above symptoms have gone through proper FDA testing.
Can you claim that vitamin C from a lime cures scurvy?
No? Since the 1400’s when England ruled the high seas, it was a State secret that limes cured and prevented scurvy. Ships with limes in the food came back with zero sailors infected with scurvy. That’s why sailors from England still until today are called Limys. So if we’ve known this fact for 600 years, why can’t we say it? The FDA says you can’t make that medical claim, it has yet to be proven.
Can you say that Aloe Vera can be used as a treatment for constipation or a cure for cuts and healing sunburns?
No! Webster’s says it does, right?
For 5,000 years everyone on planet earth has known Aloe Vera works great on cuts and sunburns. In fact, nobody disputes it.
Why can’t we say it?
Because the FDA says it hasn’t been proven.
The use of the words cure, treat or heal are all licensed and approved by the FDA. We’re not talking about the truth, we’re talking about the regulation. There is an official process for proof and without that proof, you can’t make the statement, it’s against regulations.
If you go to court, you get the law, not always justice and if you go to the FDA, you get regulations not necessarily the truth. Which means when Webster’s definition of dehydration is the lack of water, you are not legally allowed to state that water cures dehydration, because it hasn’t been FDA approved as such.
What can you say?
According to the FDA you can only say, "Water supports maintaining hydration." That’s it, nothing more.
According to FDA you can only say; "Vitamin C supports maintaining health." Nothing more, nothing less.
According to the FDA, you can’t say Aloe Vera treats sunburn, you can only say, "Aloe Vera maintains skin health."
If you make any claims, you can be fined and sent to jail.
What are the steps to using the words cure, treat or heal?
You have to put your product through phase 1 and phase 2 testing that usually involve double-blind placebo studies that start with a baseline and two closely monitored groups. The average time and cost is $500 to $800 million and seven to ten years to complete both, just to make one single claim. You have to spend the same time and money on each and every claim.
That means for vitamin C to claim to cure, treat or heal; swollen and bleeding gums, livid spots on the skin or prostration would be $500 million for swollen gums, $500 million for bleeding gums, $500 million for livid spots on skin and $500 million for prostration. That’s 2 Billion dollars to state what’s already in Webster’s and already accepted as blatantly obvious for over 600 years.
If a supplement company wants to sell vitamin C and be able to make that important medical claim on the bottle of their product, why don’t they do it?
Let’s say one company does decide to make that investment in time and money. After they have spent $500 million over seven years per medical claim and they can put the FDA approved medical claim on their bottle of vitamin C and then raise their prices to cover the huge expense of getting FDA approval. They can now put, "Vitamin C will cure, treat and heal scurvy for an extra 2 Billion dollars!"
All of the other companies selling vitamin C can now also make the same claim, but with out the cost of proving it to the FDA and they don’t have to raise their prices because vitamin C can’t be patented because it grows naturally in nature. This is the FDA catch-22 that will permanently keep all nutritional supplement companies who sell nutrients grown in nature from ever being able to make a medical claim.
You are NEVER going to be told what a supplement will do for you EVER.
Are you saying that all of the companies selling supplements such as natural, botanical, grown in nature vitamins, minerals, herbs, plants, fruits, vegetables, essential fatty acids and plain water including Aloe Vera, can’t tell the public what they do or how they work?
Yes. That is the FDA regulation and the law.
If someone asks you if water cures dehydration, the answer is no, that’s not the truth, but that is the FDA regulation.
If someone asks you if vitamin C heals scurvy, the answer is no, it’s not the truth, but it is the FDA regulation and the law.
If someone asks you if Aloe Vera will cool down a sunburn, the legal answer is no, even if it’s not the truth.
Why would the FDA do that?
Aren’t they here to protect the public?
Who is the FDA and who runs or controls them?
Ah, finally a good question. It’s an oxymoron to call it the Food and Drug Administration. We’re talking people’s health and there are two vastly different groups who would like you to spend money on your health from their products that are governed by this one agency.
If you have swollen and bleeding gums, livid spots on the skin and prostration (the definition of scurvy according to Webster’s), then food supplement companies who sell vitamin C would like you to buy their product. Drug companies would like you to buy their drugs for swollen and bleeding gums, livid spots on the skin and prostration. Only one will get to tell their story, the one with the most money and influence.
Unfortunately both companies are under one administration and they are competitors.
Have you ever wondered why you don’t see the KBPA (KKK and Black Panther Administration)?
Never seen the CAFA (Christian and Adult Film Administration) have you?
Because they don’t work together any more than drugs and nutritional companies work together, they’re competition.
That is why you don’t really have an FDA, you really have a DA. The FDA is for all intents and purposes the Drug Administration whose job it is to promote drug companies. You can’t serve two masters and one will always win over the other. The one with the most money, power and political connections will ALWAYS WIN. To be fair and ethical the government should have a separate Food Administration.
Ten years ago the pharmaceutical industry passed up oil and high finance as the number one money making industry on the planet. Selling nutrition isn’t even in the top 100. Every Congressman, Senator and President has been put into office with donations directly or indirectly from drug companies. There are over 200 drug company lobbyist for every one nutrition lobbyist.
There used to be 3 major stations on TV, and if you put ads on just one with a popular show, you covered most of America. Now there are over 500 stations. Advertising dollars per show doesn’t reach as many people as they used to because of so many channels. The Internet took 25% of all advertising dollars and left people scrambling for money to stay on TV.
It used to be illegal to advertise prescription drugs on TV for the simple reason, the public doesn’t need to know all of the prescriptions out there, that is the doctors job, that’s why the doctor went to med school, so they’d know which drugs to prescribe.
Now you see drug ads everywhere that end with, "Ask your doctor about brand X!" My doctor already knows about brand X, why am I asking him about it?
Hey Dr. Kildare, I want some Ritalin! Hey Tony Montana, I want some cocaine! If you just go to someone and ask for a drug, that’s called a drug dealer.
The only reason drug ads are on TV is because the worlds biggest money making industry filled the gap of the missing 25% advertising dollars going to the Internet and the rest being divided up to hundreds of other stations. The ads want you to go to your prescription drug dealer to get your fix.
So which programs do you think the drug companies singled out as the most important and the most influential?
Sesame Street?
Turner Classic Movies?
Turn on your TV and watch 20/20, 60 minutes, 48hrs, Investigative Reporter, Inside Edition, Cross Fire, Face the Nation, Primetime, Nightline, World News, Good Morning America, Meet the Press, Dateline, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS or ABC News. Watch commentators Larry King, Nancy Grace, Chris Matthews, Bill O’Reilly, Dan Rather or Peter Jennings.
Take out a piece of paper and keep track of drug and non-drug ads. Remember Q-tips are owned by a drug company. You’ll find that 50% of the money keeping your news shows alive are being sponsored and paid for by the world’s largest money making business which are the drugs companies. When the drug companies put their ads in just 25 news shows, they control the information on drugs and nutrition in their favor.
Likewise the FDA, NIH, AMA, hospitals and colleges are all flooded with drug money in the form of grants and research. If you try to say anything on the air, in a hospital or a college about the dangers of drugs or the safety and efficacy of nutrition, your very job could be at stake.
If someone is sharing with you information about an all natural supplement, don’t ask them if it’s FDA approved, it only shows your ignorance. Remember at one time Avandia, Crestor, Fen Phen, Zelnorm, Baycol, Meridia, Neurontin, Prempro, Celebrex, Risperdal, Pemoline, Cylert, Rezulin, Vioxx, Bextra and even LSD were all FDA approved until thousands of people died to force a recall.
Meanwhile the FDA prohibits companies who sell supplements that are non-toxic, non-addictive, non-drug interactive and 100% safe from making any claims on health benefits, "To keep the public safe!"
According to WHO, (World Health Organization) and JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) the third leading cause of death in America is FDA approved drugs that were properly administered by a family physician or hospital.
According to WHO and JAMA, America is the 37th healthiest nation on earth. America is number one in surgery, but 37th in health. We’re behind some 3rd world countries who use medicine men. The cost of sick care (you can’t call it healthcare, you’re not healthy) in America is 17 cents out of every dollar, the highest of any 3 other nations combined.
America with the FDA in charge spends the most money resulting in the unhealthiest people.
On one side of the government we have the United States FDA, on the other side we have the United States Patent Office. If you pull up numerous patents on nutritional supplements, you will find medical claims right on the patent, stating in fact what that nutrient will do.
ONE EXAMPLE: On one US Patent it states under AIDS: "Elimination of symptoms; m-RNA of HIV-1 is undetected; restored immune function."
Having AIDS means your immune system shuts down and you die, on the patent it states "restored immune function." Where is 20/20? Dan Rather? Half of an entire African generation is in danger of genocide due to AIDS and you are not allowed to mention what it says on a US Patent in public. Shouldn’t the news stations at least cover the patent as a possibility of hope?
Shouldn’t the Billions spent on drug research put 20 or 30 million aside to research something a US Patent already says works?
Would you like to know who has this patent?
I wish I could tell you, but the FDA says I can not. The FDA states that you may not quote a US Patent in public regarding a product.
This is for your safety.
My what? Safety.
What does AIDS do to you?
It kills you. I know some drugs have a high toxicity rating and can also kill you per their own FDA, LD 50 ratio. (Lethal dose 50%, how much you take to kill half the rats and how much you take to kill all of the rats).
How toxic is the supplement on the patent?
Zero toxicity. Zero?
Yes zero. So what is the downside to talking it?
They haven’t really found one yet as the nutrients come from the Aloe Vera plant which has been called, "The potted physician" for 5,000 years and is in the Bible numerous times.
It says it on the patent but you can’t quote the US Patent Office in public?
Yes, that is the FDA regulation.
When was the last time you even heard of an official cure?
My last recollection was 1927 when penicillin was listed as a cure for VD. So many doctors lost so much money from that cure who were not able to treat people with VD every week that all of the research with the heading of finding a cure, are really only interested in treatments, where you pay every month for the rest of your life. The money is in treatments, not cures. Cures cost money, treatments make money.
So does water cure or treat dehydration? No.
Does vitamin C cure or treat scurvy? No.
Does Aloe Vera cure or treat sunburns? No.
Do any nutritional supplements cure or treat ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, PDD, Depression, Autism, Bi-polar or Asperger’s Syndrome? No.
We hope that clears everything up for you, and helps you to look at this issue in the right perspective.
Kind regards,
Hi Roger
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.
I am confused by the argument you put forth. How is it that you propose to establish the safety of any 'natural remedy' (though I don't think this term has any meaning).
You provide a few (two) examples of the failings of the clinical trial system. Yet you fail to recognize that thousands of success of the same system.
It seems you are making the case that anything can, and should, be sold by anyone to treat anything they wish to claim. And let the consumer figure out if it works or does nothing or is deadly.
History shows us that humans are absolutely terrible at this type of analysis when left to their own devices.
The tendency for the mind to find false correlation, engage in confirmation bias and just simply ignore any evidence that runs contrary to prior beliefs is staggering and real.
Human memory is notoriously inaccurate and has been shown to even alter over time to conform to currently held beliefs.
We simply cannot rely on people alone and anecdotes to determine what is real and what isn't.
By this logic I could claim that a 1:2 solution of the sap from the Adenium obesum and water will cure all cancer and fix erectile dysfunction.
Who do you propose should test this claim? The first few people who took the above concoction would surely die.
Are we then to claim that it didn't work? That it was dangerous? Or should we try again? New subjects. Perhaps a different ratio of poison to water may have a beneficial.
The randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trial is the best and only way to establish the safety and efficacy of medical interventions.
Do you deny that MMS when mixed to instructions results in a chemical bleach?
If not. Do you assert that it is not only safe to drink bleach. But that it is actually beneficial to ones health?
Have you used MMS yourself? Or any one you know personally?
Hi Mark,
Thankyou for your email. You have brought up quite a few points to cover. So, in order to address each point properly, I have inserted comments below in blue....
I am confused by the argument you put forth. How is it that you propose to establish the safety of any 'natural remedy' (though I don't think this term has any meaning).
Unfortunately, the 'powers that be' have made it so that no 'natural remedy' is ever likely to be tested to the FDA or similar standards.
When I say 'natural remedy', I mean a product occurring 'naturally' in 'nature', that no one can patent.
Big Pharma can patent their products, because their chemical cocktails have been developed by them as a 'new' compound.
Once tested and 'approved', due to their patent, they can then recover the costs of the testing; with no-one in competition with them.
No one (other than perhaps a funded Government department or similar), would ever pay to test say for 'vitamin C'. If they did, and it is approved by the FDA as say a cancer cure; the person or company who forked out the $100 million, then has no way to gaurantee the return on their investment. Anyone can sell vitamin C, and even more would be selling it, if it was given FDA approval for cancer.
So you see, MMS is in the same boat. You can't Patent Chlorine Dioxide. So who is willing to pay $100 million to give it the official tick.
Although not as a medicinal treatment; it so happens that Chlorine Dioxide is FDA approved for human consumption. See more on the newsletter below if interested. After all, they wouldn't be putting it in water supplies if it was dangerous to consume.
You provide a few (two) examples of the failings of the clinical trial system.
There are many more than two; but I didn't think it was necessary to bore you with a full list. Just search the FDA site for 'recalled drugs'.
Yet you fail to recognize that thousands of success of the same system.
Yes, they have passed some drugs that don't kill people, and some that even help people. Many of the drugs that help people come with a long list of nasty side effects.
The point is, that if it was an effective testing system; it would wean out the bad ones that kill people (which it clearly isn't doing).
It seems you are making the case that anything can, and should, be sold by anyone to treat anything they wish to claim.
Not at all. The claims made about MMS are the result of real people using it safely and overcoming real serious diseases.
If it didn't work, it wouldn't be spreading in popularity the way it is. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. If it didn't work, no-one would be recommending it, and it would fissle out. We would not be distributing it, if we knew it didn't work. You wouldn't stay in business long with a product that you claim does something that it doesn't!
Jim Humble had tested it on 1000's, including himself, purposely getting malaria in order to cure it. He had ample 'field trials' before going public with his discovery.
So MMS is not "anything" that is randomly being claimed to "treat anything".
And let the consumer figure out if it works or does nothing or is deadly.
What, do you mean just like they do with the 'approved drugs'. Just put it out there, and if it kills 60,000 people, recall it! Aren't the consumers the test dummies with the approved drugs too anyway?
MMS has past consumer testing, and no proven deaths.
History shows us that humans are absolutely terrible at this type of analysis when left to their own devices.
The tendency for the mind to find false correlation, engage in confirmation bias and just simply ignore any evidence that runs contrary to prior beliefs is staggering and real.
Human memory is notoriously inaccurate and has been shown to even alter over time to conform to currently held beliefs.
We simply cannot rely on people alone and anecdotes to determine what is real and what isn't.
Regardless of all your words, some things are pretty obvious though. I had skin cancer, applied MMS to the affected area; and a week later it was gone. Very real.
By this logic I could claim that a 1:2 solution of the sap from the Adenium obesum and water will cure all cancer and fix erectile dysfunction.
Who do you propose should test this claim? The first few people who took the above concoction would surely die.
Are we then to claim that it didn't work? That it was dangerous? Or should we try again? New subjects. Perhaps a different ratio of poison to water may have a beneficial.
If the first customers die, then no-one is going to recommend or promote it; simple as that. MMS has cured hundreds of thousands of people whether you want to believe it or not.
The randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trial is the best and only way to establish the safety and efficacy of medical interventions.
Hmmm, but the field trials have the final say. If it kills 60,000, their trials were clearly faulty. You can put no weight on such tests when this failure happens time and time again. MMS may not have the FDA tick, but it HAS passed the field trials.
Do you deny that MMS when mixed to instructions results in a chemical bleach?
No. So what if it's a bleach. Did you know you have 'Hydrochloric acid' in your stomach?
'Hydrochloric acid' is used by the body to help digest food in your stomach. However, in industry, 'Hydrochloric acid' rightly has warnings not to ingest or allow contact with the skin, eyes, etc. But remember; this acid is being safely used INSIDE your body, in an appropriate concentration.
If not. Do you assert that it is not only safe to drink bleach. But that it is actually beneficial to ones health?
Yes, that is exactly right. Another bleach; foodgrade 'Hydrogen Peroxide', also when ingested cures many things. It has been used for over a century for medicinal purposes. Don't let the word 'bleach' be so scary to you.
Coke-cola dissolves aluminium. Chocolate can be fatal to a dog, lettuce contains arsenic, Colloidal silver is classed as a pesticide, Warfarin used by heart patients is a rat poison, and mercury is purported to be safe in flu vaccines. We must each be careful in our research, distilling good information from bad, and making our own informed decisions.
Have you used MMS yourself?
Yes, that is what got me started as a distributor. Initially I got it to see how it worked on flu. Haven't had flu since taking it for about 3 years now. Also cured my skin cancer.
Or any one you know personally?
Many, for example, my sister-in-law is currently curing her skin cancer (it was 10 years in the making, a $2 coin size open weeping wound). The doctors were about to peel half her face off to operate on it. Surgery is postponed permanently when we got her started on MMS. Progressing very well, skin has almost fully regrown over the wound in 6 weeks. As a bonus, she said her cataracts have disappeared.
So whether you want to believe it or not is really irrelevant. You believing it doesn't work, does not stop it from working.
The data and regulations of the FDA prove
that MMS actually works!
that MMS actually works!
1. MMS kills 95% of all diseases: It may surprise you that there is one point concerning MMS that all people agree on. At least all government agencies that are involved, universities, scientists and even my critics all admit to it. The chemical chlorine dioxide, which is what MMS generates, is one of the most effective killers of disease pathogens known to man. At this late time in the game, no group argues against the point that chlorine dioxide kills at least 95% of all disease pathogens upon contact. It is simply a known scientific fact. There are plenty of scientific papers on the Internet giving this data. Just google “chlorine dioxide.” FDA 21CFR173.300 is just one of many FDA regulations authorizing the use of chlorine dioxide to kill pathogens. Google “FDA chlorine dioxide” for more evidence. You can read 21CFR by putting it in your browser.
2. Chlorine dioxide does no damage to the human body: The next argument was that chlorine dioxide goes forth and kills everything in its path including good and bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus and also damages human body parts. But that is not so. There are thousands of industrial corporations listed on the Internet that use chlorine dioxide for the very reason, because it can be very selective in what it destroys (oxidizes). When properly used at low levels of concentration it can select pathogens and not affect body parts. For a list of companies using chlorine dioxide because it is selective, Google “chlorine dioxide selective.” Here is a quote by the US Gov EPA Http:// ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_ 4.pdf 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry: Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (ClO2-) (Hoehn et al., 1996). 4.4 – Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and disinfectant. Its disinfecting mechanisms are not well understood, but appear to vary by the type of microorganism. 4.4.1 – In the first disinfection mechanism, chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Noss etal., 1983; Olivier et al., 1985) It was concluded that chlorine dioxide inactivated viruses by altering the viral capsid proteins.
Do you See? These quotes and hundreds of other quotes I didn’t have room for prove conclusively that MMS can be selective and is indeed selective. Now one more thing: htm#ixzz0wGcRVcfM This data written by Lenntech is often quoted around the world by universities and in scientific papers. This company, along with others, proves that chlorine dioxide does not harm the human body in low concentrations such as those used by MMS. This is the quote:
“As an oxidizer chlorine dioxide is very selective. It has the ability due to unique one-electron exchange mechanism. Chlorine dioxide attacks the electron-rich center of organic molecules. One electron is transferred and chlorine dioxide is reduced to chlorite (ClO2).” Then the chlorite attracts four more electrons which rips a hole in the side of the pathogen, killing it.
There is no dangerous liability to ingesting chlorine dioxide over an extended period of time. The next argument was the concept that taking MMS might be dangerous when taking it for a few days. But that has also been proven not true. Back in 1982, the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC conducted an extended double blind clinical trial to determine that very fact, whether there is a liability in taking chlorine dioxide over a period of time. They also tested the chemicals sodium chlorite, and sodium chlorate at the same time. The tests were conducted with humans and not with rats, thus one does not have to try to extrapolate to show that rats can equal humans. The tests conducted showed that no adverse conditions resulted in human bodies. Here is the link to the report. Read it for yourself and decide. http://www.ncbi.nlm. PMC1569027/pdf/envhper00463- 0059.pdf
4. Save your life or that of a loved one within the next 5 years. Commonly quoted statistics say that either you or one of your loved ones will have a life threatening sickness sometime within the next five years. If you have a bottle of MMS in your medicine cabinet, chances are it will save your life or that of whoever is sick in your household at that time.
5. MMS leaves no dangerous chemicals behind to cause side effects: The final argument generally was, “MMS may leave dangerous chemicals behind when it deteriorates.” But that is not true either. The chemistry of chlorine dioxide proves that it cannot leave anything dangerous behind as it deteriorates into its component parts: sodium chlorite, sodium chlorate, and table salt (sodium chloride). They are all gone from your body within several hours.
6. MMS destroys at least 95% of the diseases of mankind: MMS destroys cancer and all the rest of the diseases that you or your loved ones might ever get. More than 5 million people have used MMS. More than 150 thousand books have been sold in Germany alone and it has been translated to over 18 languages, including Russian, Japanese, and Chinese, and is selling in most European countries. More than 50 thousand books have sold in the US. More than 5 million free MMS books have been downloaded. At least 200,000 lives have been saved to date.
7. So the FDA has decided that they will take MMS away from the people. They are forcing the MMS stores to recall every bottle that was sold and now they want to watch while the owners destroy everything in their shops. This is also happening in Japan, no doubt instigated by our FDA. This is the start, but they want to take it all away from the world, and they will do their best to use their authority to see that the world does not have MMS.
Can you possibly believe that 220,000 people died last year after taking an FDA-approved drug prescribed by a doctor? Well that is a fact and it is well documented on the Internet. Not one person worldwide died from taking MMS. The critics like to name a couple of cases worldwide where someone died, but in each case there was no logical connection to MMS.
The FDA intends to send the owners of the MMS stores to prison as examples for the world to see that no one must ever again be able to cure themselves of disease. Do you see? MMS, a chemical that has been discovered to cure the diseases of Mankind, is in danger of being disregarded for all time. We cannot let this happen. Those of you who cannot believe in MMS should still stand against making MMS illegal. What if, on the off chance, I could be right? Will you take the chance of losing something that might save you or a loved one? Why take the chance? If nothing else, insist that it be tested in Labs throughout the world.
8. So let me tell you about the attack on me. Hope you don’t think I am paranoid. Anybody who does anything will develop a few critics. So when I developed a few I thought, well that’s normal, and I took the time to answer some of them. But instead of them listening to what I had to say, they attacked again, totally destroying what I had to say, but it wasn’t logical. They just said everything and anything that came into their heads that they thought sounded like it refuted my answers, even if what they had to say had no reason or no logic.
Then something else that was funny -- I developed dozens of critics, if not hundreds of critics around the world. And then one more funny (peculiar) thing showed up. All the critics seemed to be attacking the same logical points. Of course these points were the logical points to attack, as many people who have only an apathetic interest in health and healing might see them as uninteresting and then say, “Of course. That stupid Snake Oil Humble is only out for our money.” (That’s the favorite name for me nowadays as far as critics are concerned.)
Those sheep then walk into their living room, pick up their TV control, hit the on button, click down to American Idol, and never again consider that their Hepatitis C could be cured, or their child’s HDD, or their wife’s breast cancer. It’s exactly what the people controlling the FDA want: sheep who never question a thing from the government. The point was that all the critics were questioning the same points as if someone had told them all the same things to say.
9. MMS is now at a critical turning point in History. Whether the MMS wins out and we wind up with the ability to treat ourselves, or the FDA wins and MMS remains just a memory in most of our minds depends on you, the reader, at this time. MMS is no longer freely available. I am sure most of you understand that the FDA is there, and has been there for all these years, to protect the income of the drug companies. The executives at the FDA are all personnel from the pharmaceutical companies and always have been. Go ahead and Google: “how many former FDA employees now work at Big Pharma?”
It could now be a small fight with ProjectGreenLife winning (that’s all of us against the FDA) or they lose, at which point we would have a much larger fight. Daniel at has been the first that they have hit, but hit hard. They now want him to destroy everything in his shop while they watch to make sure he does it. In the past they came in and destroyed everything before they arrested the owner, but now they are learning to force the owner to do it, and that gives the impression that he thinks he is guilty (or of course he wouldn’t do it.) So without making any threats or promises of any kind they just ask for your cooperation but you know if you don’t cooperate they will hit you harder. They no doubt intend to send everyone to prison. So we must win this one case.
10. A Precedent to Invade Our Homes. Also let me point out that if we lose this one case, the FDA will then have set a precedent to invade the privacy of our homes. They are saying that the use of MMS and how it is mixed and combined in the home is within their jurisdiction. You have no idea of the power that they are trying to garner. If they win this one case they will have set the precedent that will allow them to come into our homes and decide what we can mix and do. That would certainly kill MMS, as we are working on a way to produce MMS by electricity in our homes. The FDA would be able to come into our homes, break in and confiscate anything that they think might be used in making MMS even for our own use -- and on top of that, they would be able to charge us with a crime.
“Evil only prevails when good people do nothing!”
...There are many things you can do that don’t cost money. First and foremost, please send this newsletter out to as many people as you can. Just hit “forward” and add a bunch of addresses of people you know. Include a small message of your own, if possible, at the top. This is serious. Don’t spend a few minutes on it; spend a few days doing this, sending it to everyone you know.
Please also distribute this newsletter to as many other places as you can think of, such as:
Health organizations
News organizations
Health food or vitamin stores
Community groups
After-school organizations
Officials in the U.S. government and other governments around the world
Remember all the ways you can distribute it on the internet:
Post it on blogs and websites
Link to your postings from other websites
Link to it or paste it on Facebook, Plaxo, LinkedIn, and all other social networking sites
Print it out and then:
Nail it to telephone poles
Pin it on bulletin boards
Post it in shop windows
Hand it out to neighbors, telling them you can get them more data if they want it.
Please don’t stop. Keep it up. Do your best to get it out around the world. The health and suffering and even the life and death of many people now depend on you. Keep the thought in mind: “I can make a big difference”, because you can.
Every time you send this newsletter to a new person, you will, in the long run over the next year, have an extremely high chance of saving a life. That is in addition to helping with the fight against the FDA. That is because many of the people who you send this newsletter to will at least now have heard of MMS, and when they or a loved one becomes sick, some of them will check MMS out and find that it does work. So each newsletter you send out has the chance of saving a life, or hundreds of lives, or even thousands. If you ever thought it would be nice to save someones life, well in this case send out 10 of these Newsletters, and the chances are, over the next year, you action will have saved at least one life, if not hundreds.
Tell everyone and anyone the story of the FDA and MMS. Keep in mind: we must win this fight or forever be slaves to the FDA and Big Pharma because they say legally only drugs can treat diseases and finally only drugs will be available to treat diseases. It's not my idea, they have said it plenty of times.
It could be a wonderful world
As always with love Jim Humble
Well if you made it through all that or if you just skimmed it and skipped to the end. Here is my favorite bit.
Did you see it?
Did you see it?
I said:
By this logic I could claim that a 1:2 solution of the sap from the Adenium obesum and water will cure all cancer and fix erectile dysfunction.
Who do you propose should test this claim? The first few people who took the above concoction would surely die.
Are we then to claim that it didn't work? That it was dangerous? Or should we try again? New subjects. Perhaps a different ratio of poison to water may have a beneficial.
By this logic I could claim that a 1:2 solution of the sap from the Adenium obesum and water will cure all cancer and fix erectile dysfunction.
Who do you propose should test this claim? The first few people who took the above concoction would surely die.
Are we then to claim that it didn't work? That it was dangerous? Or should we try again? New subjects. Perhaps a different ratio of poison to water may have a beneficial.
He said:
If the first customers die, then no-one is going to recommend or promote it; simple as that. MMS has cured hundreds of thousands of people whether you want to believe it or not.
If the first customers die, then no-one is going to recommend or promote it; simple as that. MMS has cured hundreds of thousands of people whether you want to believe it or not.
To me this sounds like he is saying that he thinks is it ok if untested products are soled to people that my have negative consequences such as death. Really! Cause we have built a whole society and economy around the premise that this kind of crap is not ok. You aren't allowed to sell stuff to people that will kill them if it has not been proven to have a chance at a benefit that may out weigh the risk of death.
I dunno. Perhaps others think differently.
Nice information posted here. Thanks to the author for sharing such information. Keep posting.
ReplyDeletePaul Garcia
MMS supplements, did you even read my post?